
Why Volunteer?
The Friends of the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library couldn’t survive without our members and volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help with the popup and quarterly booksales, with our informational booth and popular book sale at the twice yearly Antique Fest on Canal St, our children’s literacy reading program, and other special fundraising events. Our volunteers feel good about supporting the library and many have made new friendships in the local community.
Please join us!
How You Can Help
Support The Friends of the New Smyrna Beach Regional Library by becoming a member and volunteering at one or more of our events. The funds we raise go to sponsoring some of your favorite library programs, including the Food Club, Adult Crafting, storytellers, musical events, free Monday and Friday movies and more. Scholarships to qualifying student library volunteers are granted by the Friends, as well as library “wish List” requests.
Donate Books
Cleaning House? Donate gently used books, DVDs and CDs to the library, and shop our quarterly and in-house book sales to keep our library thriving!
Shop Online
Shop Amazon Smile and select the Friends of the New Smyrna Beach Library as your charity of choice. 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to the Friends by Amazon.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."
– Elizabeth Andrew